Los eventos a continuación se poblan de varios sitios externos que publica eventos de donaciones relevantes para organizaciones como la tuya. También tenemos interna eventos de Kuja. Utilice los filtros para explorar los eventos que son interesantes para usted y aplicar a aquellos que desea asistir!
- Activism
- Adult Welfare
- Animal Rights
- Animal welfare
- Arts & Culture
- Arts & Culture / Galleries
- History
- Humanities
- Museum
- Performing arts
- Public arts
- Visual arts
- Basic Care
- Business growth programs
- Charities
- Children & Youth
- Church
- Church Outreach
- Church-Based
- Civil Society
- Clean energy
- Community Philanthropy
- Conflict Areas
- Development Aid
- Digital Products
- Disadvantaged communities
- Displacement
- Economic Development
- Cash programming
- Economic development
- Entrepreneurship
- Job skills training
- Livelihood development
- Economic and Social Development
- Economic and Social Inequalities
- Education
- Adult education
- Early childhood development
- General education
- Higher education
- Language education
- Primary education
- Secondary education
- Vocational training
- Education in Emergencies
- Education/Young women
- Elderly
- Environment and Agriculture
- Agriculture
- Agroforestry
- Biodiversity
- Climate Change
- Conservation
- Environmental Justice
- Fishing
- Food Security
- Food Sovereignty
- Marine Conservation
- Natural Resource Management
- Organic Farming
- Recycling
- Reforestation
- Renewable Energy
- Urban Sustainability
- Waste Collection
- Environment and Agriculture / Zero emission mobility
- Family Planning
- Fitness & Outdoors
- Gender
- Girl activists
- Giving
- Bilateral Aid
- Individual Donation
- Multilateral Aid
- Philanthropy
- Social Impact Investment
- Volunteering
- Governance
- Activism
- Democracy
- Diplomacy
- Elections
- Foreign Policy
- National Security
- Political Movement
- Public Policy
- Health
- Communicable Diseases
- Environmental Health
- Hunger Alleviation
- Maternal Health
- Health / Maternal and Child Health
- Health / Maternal and Infant Health
- Mental Health
- Newborn Health
- Noncommunicable Diseases
- Nutrition
- Pandemic
- Primary Health
- Public Health
- Reproductive Health
- Sexual Health
- Substance Abuse
- Traditional Medicine
- Water and Sanitation
- Hospices
- Human rights and Protection / Children's Rights
- Human rights and protection
- Child protection and welfare
- Child soldiers
- Human rights and protection / Disability Rights
- Diversity equity and inclusion
- Feminism
- Gender-based violence
- Human rights
- Indigenous rights
- LGBTQ+ rights
- Racial justice
- Sexual exploitation and abuse
- Social justice
- Human rights and protection / Women's leadership
- Women's rights
- Human rights and protection / Youth empowerment
- Youth rights
- Human rights and protection / end FGM/C
- Humanitarian Aid
- Humanitarian Aid
- Asylum
- Camp Management
- Humanitarian Aid / Disaster Relief
- Disaster Risk Preparedness and Response
- Emergency Response
- Humanitarian Aid
- Migration
- Refugee Registration
- Resettlement
- Shelter
- Urban Refugees
- Income generation activities
- Internet Access
- Internet Access
- Internet Connectivity
- Job creation
- Locally Led Development
- Microfinance
- Misc.
- Advocacy
- Communications
- Research
- Other (fill in)
- Peacebuilding
- Peacekeeping
- Poverty Alleviation
- Public Safety
- Community Resilience
- Conflict Resolution
- Crime Prevention
- Homelessness
- Housing
- Infrastructure Development
- Legal Services
- Refugee Rights
- Rural Development
- Science
- Biology
- Research
- Earth Sciences
- Engineering
- Health Sciences
- Software and IT
- Telecommunications
- Slavery & forced labor
- Social Action
- Social Care
- Social Entrepreneurship
- Social Impact
- Social and Economic Advancement
- Special needs people
- Sustainability
- Technology
- Torture Survivors
- Tree planting
- Underprivileged
- Value Chains
- Vulnerable people
- Water Access
- Water Resilience
- Website Development
- Welfare
- Wildlife Conservation
- Wildlife Conservation
- Women & Girls
- Women-Led
- civic engagement
- clean water
- disabled
- drugs dependency
- education women & girls
- exports & imports
- female entrepreneurs
- financial inclusion
- human trafficking
- infectious diseases
- internally displaced persons
- leadership building
- media
- medical research
- sick
- sports & recreation
- sustainable improvements
- trade & development
- women empowerment
- young people
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Join this session if you have any questions about the Kuja platform or need support to build your profile. We are here to answer all of your questions!
Join us for this 24 hours Event
Every year we invite our community, partners and end-users to come and meet us! It's the ideal event to get together and present new features, roadmap of future versions, achievements of the software, workshops, training sessions, etc... This event is also an opportunity to showcase our partners' case studies, methodology or developments. Be there and see directly from the source the features of the new version!