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KujaLearn ofrece cursos dirigidos por expertos adaptados a las personas, organizaciones de la sociedad civil, organizaciones no gubernamentales y organizaciones no gubernamentales con conocimientos esenciales y conocimiento. Ya sea que esté buscando crear capacidad, mejorar la experiencia o mantenerse informado sobre la industria clave tendencias, nuestros cursos proporcionan las herramientas y las ideas necesarias para impulsar un impacto significativo y alcanzar sus objetivos.

History of Inequality in Aid & Development
History of Inequality in Aid & Development

In 2025, we are witnessing how destructive it can be when the most economically powerful, but minority, countries make decisions that affect the rest of the world's well-being. During this time of instability and change within the aid and development sectors, people are asking "what next?" 

Kuja has done a lot of thinking about what the future of a new system can look like - building on the decades of efforts to localise aid and development, #ShiftThePower, and decolonise. To be able to consider "what next?" - we must understand "how did we get here?"

This course will support you to unpack the foundations of aid and development - and fully grasp the ways it was built on centuries of inequality.