KujaLearn offers expert-led courses tailored to empower individuals, CSOs, INGOs, and NGOs with essential skills and knowledge. Whether you're looking to build capacity, enhance expertise, or stay informed on key industry trends, our courses provide the tools and insights needed to drive meaningful impact and achieve your goals.
In 2025, we are witnessing how destructive it can be when the most economically powerful, but minority, countries make decisions that affect the rest of the world's well-being. During this time of instability and change within the aid and development sectors, people are asking "what next?"
Kuja has done a lot of thinking about what the future of a new system can look like - building on the decades of efforts to localise aid and development, #ShiftThePower, and decolonise. To be able to consider "what next?" - we must understand "how did we get here?"
This course will support you to unpack the foundations of aid and development - and fully grasp the ways it was built on centuries of inequality.