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Providing pathways to 

decolonize your organization.

KujaAdvise helps international NGOs and foundations to implement practical strategies to work in solidarity with Global South communities. We provide unique solutions specifically tailored to your organizations’ needs and goals.

Training & workshops

Organizational assessments 

Strategic planning

Custom solutions

We work in friendship with our clients. Like a best friend, we provide frank honesty rooted in a desire to see you improve.

We are challenging the power dynamics held within Western consulting models.

We do not pursue projects that are “check box” activities. We work with clients who are serious about making efforts to change.

We enable flexibility in a project and revisit the scope of work regularly. We know that decolonization is not linear. 

We believe that relationships must be built on mutual trust and respect. We invoice clients up-front rather than based on deliverables. 

We expect transparency at all times, including by pushing clients to share the results of the consultancy publicly – or at the minimum with their global team members.

We build global consulting teams who are brave, honest, and who are activists at heart. 

How our projects are 

Elevate Children Funders’ Group (ECFG)

In 2023, ECFG commissioned Kuja’s predecessor, DA Global, to support its network-wide effort to reflect and rethink the colonial legacies of philanthropy. The team developed a framework for decolonizing child and youth philanthropy that presents practical changes that philanthropies can make when on a journey from harmful to decolonized grantmaking. In 2025, Kuja will co-host a Community of Practice with ECFG members to discuss solutions being implemented within their funding organizations and learn from their peers about new ways forward.

Let´s start 



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